Rule based expert system for maritime anomaly detection book

This mas uses anomalies issued from an experienced rule engine. The definitions of rulebased system depend almost entirely on expert systems, which are system that mimic the reasoning of human expert in solving a knowledge intensive problem. Third screen is designed for taking course list from the user figure 2. Expert systems are the most common form of rule based intrusion detection approaches 8, 24. Multiple components are joined together by alogical and.

An activity has thus been undertaken to implement, within the ckef, a proofofconcept prototype of a rule based expert system to. Fastmaritime anomaly detection using kdtreegaussian processes. The ideas introduced in this book explore the relationships among rule based systems, machine. Data integrity assessment for maritime anomaly detection. On the other hand, a limited number of analyzed data points means realtime calculation and decision making. A new maritime surveillance framework and expert based decision support system is presented in this article. Machine learning approaches to maritime anomaly detection.

Download citation rulebased expert system for maritime anomaly detection maritime domain operatorsanalysts have a mandate to be aware of all that is. Furthermore, identifying those rules is often a complex and subjective task. This quality makes point based anomaly detection techniques attractive for realtime tasks. Results the developed rule based expert system meets the user with a welcome screen. While the rule based approach is conceptually simple and. Part of the lecture notes in computer science book series lncs. A huge innovation in data science over the past five years has been the ascendance of neural network models, rebranded as deep learning models, over symbolic, rule based expert systems.

I bought another copy, dismantled the second copy and read it this year in 2015, section by section, taking notes and mentally digesting the whole thing. In paper presented at the proceedings of spie the international society for, optical engineering vol. Rules are extremely easy to understand and are developed by domain experts and consultants who translate their experience and best practices to code to make automated decisions. Rulebased expert system for maritime anomaly detection roy, jean 20100427 00. Typically rarely necessary for end users to access, and often dangerous from a security standpoint. An enhanced spatial reasoning ontology for maritime. Topology preserving mapping for maritime anomaly detection. An automated anomaly detection system should act as a reasoning prosthetic for military experts, by applying expert knowledge in the analysis of each track. Webservice based systems for maritime situational a. Event detection in marine time series data springerlink. A rule based fuzzy expert system was illustrated by jasinevicius, r.

For example, a system might monitor an electrical grid, in which case it would have a number of rules to determine the cause of a fault, so it can recommend an action. Drools if decisions have temporal conditions, you can use a complex event processing system e. Maritime abnormality detection using gaussian processes. Feature extraction for anomaly detection in maritime trajectories. A rule based system uses rules as the knowledge representation for knowledge coded into the system 4 1416171820. May 10, 2020 as rule based expert systems encounter problems, they can apply these rules to narrow down the causes and develop solutions.

The definitions of rule based system depend almost entirely on expert systems, which are system that mimic the reasoning of human expert in solving a knowledge intensive problem. We compare their performance with a behavior recognition algorithm on simulated riverine maritime traffic. Densitybased anomaly detection in the maritime domain. Anomaly detection is heavily used in behavioral analysis and other forms of. Open data for anomaly detection in maritime surveillance. The proposed potential field based method has been examined using a webbased anomaly detection system strand seafaring transport anomaly detection implemented for this study. We devised a method that can quantify the amount of curvature in a recorded surface track. However, it is not clear which a nomaly detection algorithms should be used for domain s such as groundbased maritime video surveillance. Maritime domain operators analysts have a mandate to be aware of all that is happening within their areas of responsibility. But when a rules based fraud detection system gets operationalised, one starts with say 100 fraud scenarios and 100 rules to handle it. For example, a knowledge based system, including a proposed representation of knowledge, inference engine, and series of rules is given in 1 and 2.

Both signature detection and anomaly detection systems have advantages and drawbacks. Anomaly detection is the identification of data points, items, observations or events that do not conform to the expected pattern of a given group. Learning states and rules for time series anomaly detections. Integration of a selforganizing map and a virtual pheromone. With over 30 years of cbrn detection experience, bruker has developed a unique capability in. Knowledge discovery using genetic algorithm for maritime. Based on the created model of normality, the system can then perform anomaly detection on current realworld maritime traf. The system enables experts in the maritime domain to characterise abnormal ship behaviour based on formal semantic properties. In this case, two further types of systems can be distinguished, that is, point and trajectory systems. Advantages of rule based expert systems modular nature. Rulebased expert system for maritime anomaly detection.

Huang liang 1,liu yi 1,wen yuanqiao 1,2,zhou chunhui 1,2,zhang fan 1 1. Signature based detection on ip flows an intrusion detection system that could inspect every network packet would be ideal, but is impractical. At saab systems, a prototype for a rule based expert system, based on an ontology for situation assessment in the domain of sea surveillance, has been developed 3. The transit of goods occurs over the oceans that cover 23s of the planet and yet are inhabited by human beings. These rules are used by the system to make conclusions about the securityrelated data from the intrusion detection system. Anomaly detection in maritime data based on geometrical. Next screen takes as input the student number and in order to match student name and record action logs of the user. Automatic identification system ais, anomaly detection, bayesian network, maritime environment, situational awareness, threat assessment, white shipping. Nextgeneration intrusion detection expert system nides afterwards, an improved version of ides called the next generation intrusion detection expert system nides was proposed in 1995, which is a hybrid system 4, 5 nides is a centralized, multihost based hybrid detection anomaly and misuse system that performs real. A selfadaptive multiagent system for abnormal behavior detection. Rule based expert systems solve problems by applying a set of programmed rules to available information. Critical to marine anomaly detection is an interpretation of the data that allows the salient features of the desired anomaly to be identi ed, laxhammar et al 2009. A siem system combines outputs from multiple sources and.

The planned and purposing vessel movement should generate highlycorrelated ais data, and this can be used for movement anomaly detection. Instead of operating on the lowlevel data from maritime sensors, the rule based expert system proposed in operates on a highlevel ontology. Maritime anomaly detection using gaussian process active learning. A fuzzy expert system introduced by jasinevicius and petrauskas 3 that takes into account the vessel type.

I read this entire book when it first came out i am that old. A variety of anomaly detection algorithms have been applied to surveillance tasks for detecting threats with some success. On the other hand, maritime domain experts have the required knowledge and experience for finding maritime anomalies. Potential fields in maritime anomaly detection ewa osekowska, stefan axelsson, bengt carlsson blekinge institute of technology, karlskrona, sweden. However, the expert human interaction is needed while setting movement tra. These automated approaches produce very good results for. Designed, configured and tested to be used in the extreme. A similar approach was also employed by edlund et al 14. Rulebased expert system for maritime anomaly detection nasaads. In particular, we examine hierarchical task network htn and case based algorithms for plan recognition, which detect anomalies by generating expected behaviors for use as a basis for threat detection.

We address these two issues by comparing families of global and local anomaly detection algorithms on tracks extracted from ground based maritime surveillance videos. Any malicious activity or violation is typically reported either to an administrator or collected centrally using a security information and event management siem system. Machine learning approach to fraud detection the times. Its applicability has been demonstrated in several publications, examining its scalability, modeling capabilities and detection performance. Another categorization of maritime traffic anomaly detection systems refers to data that specify vessel behavior. The output of the overall system is a set of rules that implement state transition logic on an. Fastmaritime anomaly detection using kdtreegaussian. The contribution in this paper is a gp based model for normal behaviour combined with a kdtree approximation for training and prediction. A speaker recognition is one of the most useful biometric recognition techniques in this world where insecurity is a major threat. The input to our overall anomaly detection system is a time series signature such as the current vs.

Seecoast applies rulebased and learningbased pattern recognition algorithms to. This book discusses various aspects, challenges, and solutions for developing. Abnormal behavior recognition of inland river ferryboat. Once we take this perspective on anomaly detection, it becomes clear that a simple rulebased approach is not sufcient. Artificial neural networks for misuse detection essay. Anomaly detection my views of the world and systems. Expert systems permit the incorporation of an extensive amount of human. We developed an anomaly detection tool using a based algorithm that can detect anomalies in a rule set of prerecorded tracks using their curvature, speed and weave. The general idea is for the potentials to represent typical patterns of vessels behaviors. In rule based expert systems, knowledge base is also called production memory as rules in the form of ifthen are called productions. Jasinevicius and petrauskas 9 also used a rule based expert map but combining with fuzzy logic for a port security system.

Hubei key laboratory of inland shipping technology,wuhan 430063,china. Instead of representing knowledge in a declarative, static way as a set of things which are true, rulebased system represent knowledge in terms of a set of rules that tells what to do or what. Obtaining maritime anomaly data can be difficult or even impractical. Adrian giurca brandenbu slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. In proceedings of spiethe international society for optical engineering, usa. A comparative evaluation of anomaly detection algorithms for. An expert system consists of a set of rules that encode the knowledge of a human expert. These anomalies occur very infrequently but may signify a large and significant threat such as cyber intrusions or fraud. However, we need to be wary of the pitfalls of rulebased anomaly pattern detection.

An activity has thus been undertaken to implement, within the ckef, a proofofconcept prototype of a rule based expert system to support the analysts regarding this aspect. Point based systems make decisions based on momentary parameters of vessels such as velocity, position, course, etc. Unsupervised learning techniques using gaussian mixture models to learn patterns of motion behaviour are presented in 3. A comparative evaluation of anomaly detection algorithms. The novelty of the method lies in employing the technique of artificial potential fields for traffic pattern extraction. At the core of the system lies a significantly modified version of the fuzzy artmap neural network classifier.

Wso2 cep, esper although simple, static rules based systems tend to be brittle and complex. The system is able to identify a number of basic spatial and kinematical relations between objects, and then deduce different situations, e. Situation awareness with systems of systems springerprofessional. In this article, we propose a rulebased method for data integrity assessment, with rules built from the system technical specifications and by domain experts, and. A prototype for a rulebased expert system based on the maritime domain ontologies was developed by edlund, gronkvist, lingvall, and sviestins 2006 that could detect some of the anomalies regarding the spatial and kinematic relation between objects such as simple scenarios for hijacking, piloting and smuggling. Rulebased expert systems for supporting university students. Interactive visualization applications for maritime. A self adaptive multiagent system for abnormal behavior detection in maritime surveillance. Seecoast applies rule based and learningbased pattern recognition algorithms to alert illegal. Instead of representing knowledge in a declarative, static way as a set of things which are true, rulebased system represent knowledge in terms of a set of rules that tells what to do or what to conclude in different situations. Including the experts knowledge about suspicious activities in the detection process can result in improved ad.

The open data anomaly detection system odads is designed for traffic monitoring and detecting anomalies in the maritime domain by using open and closed data sources. Datadriven detection and contextbased classification of. An activity has thus been undertaken to implement, within the ckef, a proofofconcept prototype of a rulebased expert system to support the analysts regarding this aspect. Rulebased anomaly pattern detection for detecting disease. Maritime security and anomaly detection bigdataocean. The speed and accuracy of the approximation is reported along with the results of anomaly detection. A signature detection system identifies traffic or application data patterns assumed to be malicious, while anomaly detection systems compare activities with normal baseline. The output of the overall system is a set of rules that implement state transition logic on an expert system, and are able to determine if other time series signatures deviate significantly. Rulebased expert system for maritime anomaly detection how we measure reads a read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors. Absolute division distance, relative division distance, and cosine division distance.

Multilayer perceptrons networks for an intelligent. There are several approaches to maritime domain awareness. We developed an anomaly detection tool using a based algorithm that can detect anomalies in a rule. Abstract this paper presents a novel approach for pattern extraction and anomaly detection in maritime vessel traf.

In this paper, we present the topology preserving mapping for maritime anomaly detection. Further, models for di erent kinds of anomalies may need to be combined or considered to increase the certainty of an anomaly being detected. Along this line of thought, this paper describes a proofofconcept prototype of a rulebased expert system implementing automated rulebased reasoning in support of maritime anomaly detection. The input to our overall anomaly detection system is normal time series data like the graph at the top left corner of figure 1. Theres a lot of hype and headline around this stuff just now. Users are able to specify and execute spatial rules that are directly integrated into the ontology and a map interface linked to the ontology displays the results of the inferences obtained.

Most current approaches to the process of detecting intrusions utilize some form of rule based analysis. Programming such systems requires a high level of skill and the incorporation of a big knowledge base. Sep 17, 2009 ebusiness technologies ebtech introduction to rulebased applications adrian giurca, ebusiness technologies, craiova, march 2009 dr. A rule based track anomaly detection algorithm for maritime force protection. Then, a framework for ad based on the integration of open and closed data sources is proposed. Intelligent program encapsulates most of the knowledge, including possibly knowledge representations of rules, frames, defaults, and has a hierarchies, etc. Specifically, the topology preserving mapping is applied as an unsupervised learning method, which captures the vessel behaviors and visualizes the. If decisions need inference, then you can use a rule based or expert system e. Specifically, the topology preserving mapping is applied as an unsupervised learning method, which captures the vessel behaviors and visualizes the extracted underlying data structure. Abnormal ship behavior is detected by executing reasoning rules that refer directly to the ontology and which are defined by experts in the maritime domain. Learning states and rules for time series anomaly detection. These limits are stored in a database for alloys and are used in the condition part of the rule based expert system.

This mandate derives from the needs to defend sovereignty, protect infrastructures, counter terrorism, detect illegal activities, etc. By gradually adjusting the limits, the system will improve its ability to recognize conditions that identify risks for casting defects. Interactive visualization applications for maritime anomaly. Dorothy elizabeth denning, born august 12, 1945, is a usamerican information security researcher known for latticebased access control lbac, intrusion detection systems ids, and other cyber security innovations. Open data for anomaly detection in maritime surveillance shahrooz abghari. Realtime maritime traffic anomaly detection based on sensors. Signature based detection systems such as snort have been widely deployed by enterprises for network security, but are limited by the scaling factors described above. Maritime anomaly detection methods using the historical patterns of life as the reference can be distinguished into two main classes, based on the format of input trajectories. Event detection anomaly detection lof time series marine systems. To help governments with this task, since 2004, the international maritime organization imo requires automatic identi. International society for optics and photonics, 2010. Rulebased expert system article about rulebased expert. An intrusion detection system ids is a device or software application that monitors a network or systems for malicious activity or policy violations. An enhanced spatial reasoning ontology for maritime anomaly detection arnaud vandecasteele, aldo napoli.

Intrusion detection using mfcc, vqa and lbg algorithm. For example, a two component rule would be gender male and age decile 4. The algorithm for abnormal movement detection is based on three division distances. Anomaly detection in oceans is a priority for governmental organizations. School of navigation,wuhan university of technology,wuhan 430063,china. This allows encapsulating knowledge and expansion of the expert system done in a a easy way. Rule based analysis relies on sets of predefined rules that are provided by an administrator, automatically created by the system, or both. Anomaly detection in the maritime domain, proceedings of. Deepmind beating lee sedol at go, as well as the use of neural networks to solve important fundamental ai tasks. Therefore, we use a generative approach to vary and control the difficulty of anomaly detection tasks. A complex event processing approach to detect abnormal. Part of the lecture notes in computer science book series lncs, volume. Roy 8 proposed a rule based expert system implementing automated rule based reasoning in support of maritime anomaly detection. A prototype for a rulebased expert system based on the maritime domain ontologies was developed by edlund et al.

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